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Forensic acquisition using Elcomsoft iOS Forensic Toolkit (EIFT) has undergone significant changes over the last few years. The earlier major branch, EIFT 7, was a carefully crafted but Windows-only script that automated the use of several bundled tools and guided the user without requiring them to know how to use each of them individually. EIFT 8 brought many new features, a more powerful interface and widespread support for new devices and host operating systems. Due to restrictions and challenges, not all features were immediately available on all platforms. There are still some minor differences in features between Windows, Linux, and macOS versions of the tool.

In iOS device forensics, the process of low-level extraction plays a crucial role in accessing essential data for analysis. Bootloader-level extraction through checkm8 has consistently been the best and most forensically sound method for devices with a bootloader vulnerability. But even though we brought the best extraction method to Linux and Windows in recent releases, support for iOS 16 on these platforms was still lacking behind. In this article we’ll talk about the complexities in iOS 16 extractions and how we worked around them in the newest release of iOS Forensic Toolkit.

Elcomsoft iOS Forensic Toolkit (EIFT) is a powerful software designed to acquire data from various Apple devices, ranging from iPhones to HomePods. However, to make the most of this tool, you’ll need more than just the software itself. In this article, we will quickly review the mandatory and optional accessories that are essential for the effective use of the product.

We are excited to announce the release of an open-source software for Raspberry Pi 4 designed to provide firewall functionality for sideloading, signing, and verifying the extraction agent that delivers robust file system imaging and keychain decryption on a wide range of Apple devices. This development aims to address the growing security challenge faced by forensic experts when sideloading the extraction agent using regular and developer Apple accounts.

Welcome to Part 4 of the Perfect Acquisition series! In case you missed the other parts (1, 2, and 3), please check them out for more background information, or dive straight in and learn how to perform Perfect HFS Acquisition yourself. This section contains a comprehensive guide on how to perform the Perfect HFS Acquisition procedure.

Welcome to Part 3 of the Perfect Acquisition series! If you haven’t read Part 1 and Part 2 yet, be sure to check them out before proceeding with this article. In this section, we will introduce our newly developed Perfect HFS Acquisition method, which enables the extraction of data from legacy iOS devices that do not have SEP and utilize the HFS file system.

Welcome to part 2 of the Perfect Acquisition series! In case you missed part 1, make sure to check it out before continuing with this article. In this section, we will dive deeper into iOS data protection and understand the obstacles we need to overcome in order to access the data, which in turn will help us accomplish a Perfect Acquisition when certain conditions are met.

Forensic acquisition has undergone significant changes in recent years. In the past, acquisition was relatively easy, with storage media easily separable and disk encryption not yet widespread. However, with the rise of mobile devices and their built-in encryption capabilities, acquiring data has become increasingly challenging. Traditional approaches like disk dumps are no longer feasible, and software exploitation has become the industry standard. Despite these methods, there are limitations to mobile acquisition, including the need to collaborate with the device, the possibility of hardware defects or deliberate data tampering. As a result, there is a need for continuous innovation in forensic acquisition to address these challenges and ensure accurate and reliable data collection.

The seventh beta of iOS Forensic Toolkit 8.0 for Mac introduces passcode unlock and forensically sound checkm8 extraction of iPhone 4s, iPad 2 and 3. The new solution employs a Raspberry Pi Pico board to apply the exploit. Learn how to configure and use the Pico microcontroller for extracting an iPhone 4s!

Installing the checkm8 exploit to perform forensically sound extractions with iOS Forensic Toolkit can be tricky, which is in part due to certain hardware peculiarities.  If you watch our blog, you might have already read the article on checkm8, checkra1n and USB hubs. We have some good news: we managed to fix some of the issues with or without the use of a USB hub.