Posts Tagged ‘iOS’

In the realm of iOS device forensics, the use of the checkm8 exploit for low-level extractions has become a common practice. However, when using this method, you may occasionally need to remove the device’s screen lock passcode, which can lead to several undesirable consequences. In this article, we’ll study these consequences and learn when you need a screen lock reset, when it can be avoided, and how what the latest iOS Forensic Toolkit has to do with it.

iOS backup passwords are a frequent topic in our blog. We published numerous articles about these passwords, and we do realize it might be hard for a reader to get a clear picture from these scattered articles. This one publication is to rule them all. We’ll talk about what these passwords are, how they affect things, how to recover them, whether they can be reset, and whether you should bother. We’ll summarize years of research and provide specific recommendations for dealing with passwords.

In the upcoming iOS 17.4 update, Apple is introducing significant changes to its App Store policies for apps distributed in the European Union. The new policy brings multiple changes, one of them being alternative app marketplaces (which are effectively third-party app stores). These changes have both technical and financial implications for developers, but do they bring news to the digital forensic crowd? Let’s have a look into what Apple’s new policy brings and how it may impact forensic experts.

The bootloader vulnerability affecting several generations of Apple devices opens the door to forensically sound extraction. In today’s article we’ll discuss the compatibility and features of this exploit with different devices, iOS versions, and platforms. In addition, we’ll provide security professionals and researchers with valuable insight into potential issues and solutions when working with checkm8.

When it comes to iOS data acquisition, Elcomsoft iOS Forensic Toolkit is the top choice for forensic experts. Its cutting-edge features and unmatched capabilities have made it the go-to software for investigating iOS devices. In a recent update, we expanded the capabilities of the low-level extraction agent to support full file system extraction and keychain decryption on Apple’s newest devices running iOS 16.5. This achievement represents a breakthrough, as the delay between Apple’s iOS updates and our forensic software release has significantly reduced.

Last month, we introduced a new low-level mechanism, which enabled access to parts of the file system from many Apple devices. The partial extraction process relies on a weak exploit that did not allow full sandbox escape. Today, the limitations are gone, and we are proud to offer the full file system extraction and keychain decryption for the entire iOS 15 range up to and including iOS/iPadOS 15.7.2.

Analyzing iPhone PINs

April 18th, 2023 by Oleg Afonin

In recent years, Apple had switched from 4-digit PINs to 6 digits, while implementing blacklists of insecure PIN codes. How do these measures affect security, how much more security do six-digit PINs deliver compared to four-digit PINs, and do blacklists actually work? Let’s try to find out.

The recent update to iOS Forensic Toolkit brought two automations based on the Raspberry Pi Pico board. One of the new automations makes it possible to make long, scrollable screen shots in a semi-automatic fashion. In this article we will show how to build, program, and use a Raspberry Pi Pico board to automate scrolling screenshots.

The latest update to iOS Forensic Toolkit brings two new features, both requiring the use of a Raspberry Pi Pico board. The first feature automates the switching of iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, and iPhone X devices into DFU, while the second feature adds the ability to make long, scrollable screen shots in a semi-automatic fashion. In this article we will show how to build, program, and use a Raspberry Pi Pico board to automate DFU mode.

Welcome to Part 4 of the Perfect Acquisition series! In case you missed the other parts (1, 2, and 3), please check them out for more background information, or dive straight in and learn how to perform Perfect HFS Acquisition yourself. This section contains a comprehensive guide on how to perform the Perfect HFS Acquisition procedure.