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ATI Stream Developer Showcase enrolled our Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor in its security section, among other “notable applications” that use ATI Stream technology:

The Register reports has been attacked and now more than 100.000 websites have gone forever because of company’s poor password policy. The attackers are unknown and Rus Foster, (former?) director claims that anonymous messages indicated nonexistent passwords. I wouldn’t like to sound sarcastic but their description at reads quite funny now, what do you think? 

New iPhone

June 6th, 2009 by Vladimir Katalov

Latest rumors about iPhone: probably, it will have 3D Graphics Chip in it, according to Fudzilla article. Let’s hope that it will be CUDA-enabled, so we can make GPU-accelerated password cracker for it 😉

The summer has begun, and as usual at this time of the year big companies present the results of hard work to the public. With Microsoft’s Bing and Google Wave flooding the news, you might have overlooked the joint release of NVIDIA and Supermicro. At Computex 2009 in Taipei, Taiwan, Nvidia and Supermicro announced

 Today’s technologies allow staying online practically 24 hrs a day, periodically falling into a sleeping mode. The Internet became easily accessible and numerous devices can connect us to the web from everywhere, and every time when we surf the web we are being registered, at least via IP address of our devices. 

First of all, sad news: Intel Larrabee is delayed till 2010 (we were expecting it in Q4’2009), according to the reports. With 32 cores onboard (though this number is not confirmed yet), it looks like a very good system for password cracking. Some Larrabee development tools and resources are already available, and of course, we’re porting our code to this platform, and will share the results with you as soon as we’ll be able to (we’re under the NDA with Intel; as well as with Nvidia and AMD :)).

All modern AMD and Intel processors are 64-bit and corresponding Windows versions are also on the market. It is highly recommended to use 64-bit systems (though 32-bit systems perfectly work on 64-bit processors) because in this case more than 3 Gb RAM can be employed, and today we have lots and lots of 64-bit systems, so it’s getting more and more critical. (more…)

From time to time we’re receiving questions regarding various technologies used in our products, especially Thunder Tables™ and GPU acceleration. Today I’d like to explain what exactly Thunder Tables™ is (and what it’s not).

More on SLI

May 13th, 2009 by Vladimir Katalov

If you are going to purchase a new computer (or make it yourself), you should definitely think about graphics — for CAD/CAM, gaming, searching for extraterrestrial intelligence at home or password cracking. Of course, thinking of budget, too. I hope you’re already aware of NVIDIA SLI which allows to use multiple video cards, but how a single dual-GPU compares to two single-GPU ones? Read GeForce GTX 295 Vs. GTX 275 SLI: When Two Are Better Than One.

There is a few, so I’ll put ’em all into a single blog post 🙂